
Yo La Tengo 即将发布翻唱专辑《Stuff Like That There》发布MV

还记得Yo La Tengo在1990年发行的精彩翻唱专辑《Fakebook》吗?它的后续篇即将在今年8月底到来:第二张翻唱专辑《Stuff Like That There》!其中Yo La Tengo翻唱的曲目之一是The Cure的“Friday I'm In Love”,是不是正适合今天听呢?哦呵呵呵呵,等你看完这部MV肯定会感到一种别样的酸爽。黑暗复古系的幽默恶搞最赞了。

【优酷视频 https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI4NTY5NTI1Ng==.html

现在购买《Stuff Like That There》礼包的话,除了LP, 精美帆布袋和卡带之外(注意,是没有数字下载卡的),还会有更多神秘礼品!



A1: My Heart's Not in It (Darlene McCrea)
A2: Rickety
A3: I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry (Hank Williams)
A4: All Your Secrets (remake of track from Popular Songs)
A5: The Ballad of Red Buckets (remake of track from Electr-o-pura)
A6: Friday I'm in Love (The Cure)
A7: Before We Stopped to Think (Great Plains)
B1: Butchie's Tune (The Lovin' Spoonful)
B2: Automatic Doom (Special Pillow)
B3: Awhileaway
B4: I Can Feel the Ice Melting (The Parliaments)
B5: Naples (Antietam)
B6: Deeper Into Movies (remake of track from I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One)
B7: Somebody's in Love (The Cosmic Rays with Le Sun Ra and Arkestra)

